Osteochondrosis cervical disease is a disease of the cervical spine, with degenerative and degenerative processes that occur in the intervertebral discs.
More than 80 % of the population complain of pain in the neck. In addition, 30 % of headaches are directly linked to cervical to low back pain.
If, previously, the disease met with older people, it is today increasingly suffer from osteochondrosis of the neck for 20-30 years patients.
The reasons
The most unfavourable causes of the degeneration of the vertebrae in the neck are:
- the lack of exercise, in other words, a little physical activity;
- a poor diet;
- long-term of the fiscal year;
- salt deposits;
- a variety of injuries;
- the violation of the metabolism and excess weight;
- a long sedentary work (for example, computer) without interruption;
- poorly organized a place to sleep (mattress, pillow);
- long journeys or driving the vehicle.
Also risk factors are: the cooling of the cervical spine, heredity, hormonal disorders.
In addition, to promote the development of cervical arthritis may autoimmune diseases, e.g., rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus (sle).
The disease develops slowly, but the progression.
The symptoms
The main symptoms of the disease degenerative disc neck:
- the pain syndrome. It may be that a weak and a strong pain in the neck;
- numbness. This is usually the case on hand, shoulder, scapula, neck, may also be a feeling of tingling. The characteristic sign is biting the neck during the rotation of the head;
- the noise and the tinnitus. Sometimes, the deterioration of the hearing;
- the migraine and headache, weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs;
- the nausea, the lack of air. Man, it seems that he can't breathe, and this causes hypoxia;
- the violation of the order. There is blurred vision, decreased visual acuity, what is called a "flies" before the eyes;
- the instability of the blood pressure. The patient suffers from high blood pressure, or hypotension, the result is a feeling of dizziness.
In regards to the pain, very often, he is haunted by the patient during rotation of the head or after sleep, the minimum amount of physical activity on the hands, coughing or sneezing. The pain may be, so to speak, to "give" in the occipital region, shoulders, and arms. If you tilt your head to the front, and then often cause pain under the shoulder blade.
The diagnosis
To make the diagnosis of cervical arthrosis, it is necessary to contact an orthopedic doctor or a neurologist. There will be an inspection and investigation of the patient, will lead on an x-ray of the cervical spine in multiple projections. In some cases, it may be necessary to mri and the MRI-diagnosis.
Osteochondrosis cervical need long-term, systematic and progressive treatment. Mainly the therapy is aimed at the elimination of pain and anti-inflammation.
In the early stages of the disease enough of chiropractic, gymnastics. In addition to the execution - need of drug treatment.
Also it is important to create conditions for the regeneration of damaged tissue, to do this, use of based drugs of group B vitamins in the form of injections and tablets.
It is necessary to observe the mode of work and rest, to take care of comfort of your sleep, do not lift heavy weights and stop dependencies.
Osteochondrosis cervical many consider to be quite insidious of the disease. Indeed, as the cervical vertebrae are located in close proximity to each other, then at the lower of their deformation are close to the nerve roots and the blood vessels. Finally violated the blood supply to the brain, as a consequence, and leads to headaches, migraines. In severe cases, it is fraught with ischemia of the brain or the spinal cord, and even a stroke.
In a risk zone, and the cardio-vascular system. Some people spend years were observed in a cardiologist because of the pain in the heart, constantly "break" the high pressure and the reason, it is an osteochondrosis of the neck.
Also because of the compression of nerve endings, the patient may suffer from hearing, vision, disturb coordination of movements.
In the execution of forms and without reason the processing of the formation of the hernia, the treatment of which require a surgical intervention.
In the elderly low back pain cervical is often combined with deforming osteoarthritis of the cervical, clothing vertebrae and al
In order to avoid cervical osteoarthritis, you need to lead a healthy life, eat well, perform regular physical activity. A great role for the to ensure the proper organization of the workplace, as well as the respect for work and leisure.